New Issue
The next issue of SEAQIS Journal of Science Education will be published in December 2024. Please follow the following link to submit your manuscript.
Read more about New IssueThe next issue of SEAQIS Journal of Science Education will be published in December 2024. Please follow the following link to submit your manuscript.
Read More Read more about New IssueThe SEAQIS Journal of Science Education Volume 4, Number 2, 2024 highlights innovative strategies to enhance science teaching and learning. Featured articles explore the impact of the inverted learning approach on biology understanding and self-efficacy, a predictive model linking student satisfaction to academic performance in Philippine Science High School chemistry, and the use of the Weismann educational game to teach reproduction systems. Other studies examine the integration of ClassPoint into PowerPoint for interactive learning and insights from a chemistry lesson on ionic bonding through a structured learning study. This volume provides valuable insights for advancing science education practices.
SEAQIS Director's Message
Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah, God Almighty, that SEAQIS with pleasure presents its science journal called SEAQIS Journal of Science Education (SciEd). This journal is devoted to the science education field from theoretical aspects to practical studies.
This journal is the authoritative voice in the science education field, covering the science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy, and science teachers' preparation to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice. The journal focuses on the teaching and learning of science in a school setting ranging from primary school to secondary education.
This journal also may be a platform for teachers and education personnel to share their ideas and thought about the current issues in the science education world. We know that today science education is fundamental for growing our science literacy and nurturing the next generation of scientists. In this fast-paced world where technological and scientific advancements are made at an ever-increasing rate, scientific literacy is crucial to helping us make sense of the knowledge we receive.
We believe that all the papers published in this journal will significantly influence science education, and we thank all of the authors who contributed to this volume. Have a pleasant reading!
Mr Reza Setiawan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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